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  • Noreen Richard

24 days before Christmas

To celebrate Advent this year. I got the idea to write a poem. It was my WW (weight watchers) meeting that sparked the idea and I committed to the challenge. I drew 24 words. One for each day leading to the 25th of December.

My words:

  1. Mackerel 7. Latitude 13. Farm 19. Tease

  2. Irks 8. Doll 14. Early 20. Dream

  3. Nervous 9. Wonder 15. Lamb 21. Laxative

  4. Mighty 10. Firm 16. Under 22. Hell

  5. Hello 11. Darling 17. Hope 23. Hilly

  6. Gallop 12. Charming 18. Fart 24. Bridge

My Poem ......

24 days to Christmas

through the eyes of WW (weight watchers)


What a hell of a year

in WW world


shaped by


            to you and I

the four pillars

            the mighty techniques

52 in all


early morning meetings

            with lots of latitude

to laugh, play

            tease one another


many changes to the app


            irks me

makes the treck




without notice

leaves me nervous


yet all of us

            grew through wonder

curiosity, love….

            what a darling journey


some folks were charming

            firm as they cruised

their way each week



others not so much

            working hard

            to be present

            early each day

            under the stress

            of making changes

            for that elusive doll like figure


I learned that sleep

            is most important

            helps with the weight loss journey

            so does passing wind better known

            as a good fart


the food pillar

            saw a firm

shift to mackerel, lamb and

            farm vegetables

finding natural laxatives

            in the foods we eat


activity pillar

            saw us gallop

            in ways never seen before

50 min for 50 days was one person’s goals. 

I strive for under that each day


As we enter 2024 I have

more than one dream 

            the year comes with hope

as I tackle what has been elusive



Hope on the eve of the New Year you take time to reflect on all the wonders of 2023 and dream your way into 2024.

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Feb 24

Excellent ! Love it! 💖

(WW) terrycatwhisperer

Noreen Richard
Feb 24
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Jan 01

Oh Noreen!!love this to pieces!! what a great writer you are!❤️❤️❤️

Noreen Richard
Jan 01
Replying to

Thank you!


Dec 31, 2023

Thank you for the perfect poem Noreen!!


Dec 31, 2023

What a wonderful poem Noreen! You are such a wonderful human with an undeniable loving soul. I am beyond words of how much “virtually meeting” you means to me. Every day you inspire me to Live Through The Lens Of Love 💛


Noreen Richard
Jan 01
Replying to

Thank you!


Dec 31, 2023

Wow! That was awesome! You are very creative and curious! Love it! Here’s to 2024 as we indeed reflect on memories and lessons learned in 2023! Happy New Year! 🎉🥳🤩

Carol-The Rock

Noreen Richard
Jan 01
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Thank you my friend! 💖

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