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  • Noreen Richard

Mindset (part 4) Fast Forwarding My Tape

In my WW (Weight Watchers) world we did a week on rewinding the tape to look at what we did in the previous week and what we might want to shift and change for our future selves. I kind of flipped that on its head and fast forwarded my tape instead. Fast forwarding helps shape choices I make in any given moment. Helps me with my yes and/or no's to many different things.

We are entering a new season filled with opportunities that are not available during the fall, winter, and spring months. Summer vacations are front and centre this time of year. The freedom that comes from wearing lighter clothing is always a blessing.

While I am retired, and summer vacation, in the sense of taking time off work, is not front and centre, I still do experience the shifting. For me it is a time of building new memories. It is a time of being on the water. Sometimes I love to be in the water for a nice swim after a beautiful kayak. Not in the water while I am trying to be in the kayak though!

I am already thinking about the things that are a yes....

....things that keep me connected to the journey I am on to live my best life. I am excited to bring movement into my life as I kayak along the bay. There may be kayaking adventures in my future that I get to say yes to. Kayaking adventures in new places and/or kayaking adventures with new people!

I am saying yes to washer toss. To practicing it so my muscles get used to the movements required and I strengthen them.

I am saying yes to walking, jogging, running as a practice towards doing my 10 km run/walk in Moncton in the fall.

I am saying yes to connecting with family, friends, and people I have met on zoom over the last number of months.

I am saying yes to continuing my healthy eating habits and my WW (Weight Watchers) journey over the summer.

I am saying yes to growing and being curious about opportunities gifted by the universe.

I am saying yes to practicing all the skills I learned through Inspired Living Medical: I will practice limiting my news sources and the number of times I check the news every day. It is known as practicing an attention diet. I will also practice limiting my television and electronic devices in general. Pay attention to utilizing my time in movement and activity outdoors as much as possible. I am sure the by-weekly task of mowing my lawn will help me tremendously!

I will continue my nearly lifelong practice of daily gratitude and working on being present in my day. Noticing things that I can see, hear, taste, touch and/or smell to keep me grounded.

I will focus on keeping a regular schedule of both sleep and awake time and follow the tides as much as possible to shape the rhythm of each day.

I love living through the lens of love. This focus on love requires me to get to know myself and learn about how I navigate my days, hours, minutes and be curious as to what is occupying my emotional space. What is shaping my mindset in any given moment. Ask myself if I can sit with the discomfort that not only comes from pain, but the discomfort when things are going so well you want to pinch yourself. Managing the highs and lows and all the decisions I make to live the best life I can. Holding myself with compassion when my choices are not in my best interests. Celebrating when I make difficult decisions that challenge me and leave me feeling vulnerable.

What about the No?

Am I willing to accept that I may be on the wish part of the continuum of wish, want and commit and say no until I move along the continuum to a place where I can commit to whatever opportunity presents itself?

Currently I am on the wish part of my journey in terms of editing my book "I Saw Ryan Today". After group on Tuesday past, I am finding myself shifting from wish to want and I have faith that by the fall I will be ready to commit to what it takes to get this to the next level.

Can I be curious to the forces seeking my attention? Will I use my breath to ground me in the moment and listen to my body. Will I power pose not only in my yes?

Will I stand firm in my no?

Will I maintain healthy boundaries in terms of the four pillars in WW (Weight Watchers) Sleep, mindset, activity, and food?

These will require both my yes and my no.

One of the skills I have honed since my years with Inspired Living Medical is mindfulness. Bringing focus to what I may be doing in any one moment. Like when I drink a mug of hot water. When I walk to the edge of the property to witness the tide coming in. When I sit with myself and experience in my body my yes as a yes and/or my no as a no!

As I enter summer, I look forward to posting my last post next week until the new season. For now, I will leave you with this question: How will fast forwarding your tape help you as you make choices around living your epic summer?

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Jun 23, 2023

Another great blog in the books! It certainly takes commitment to do this every week! You have taken your lived experience and what you have learned in WS to live your best life! So proud of you Noreen!❤️

Noreen Richard
Jun 23, 2023
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Thanks so much. 💖


Jun 22, 2023

Wow! I love this post. Your emoji clips are so fun and fitting. Staying focused on what keeps you living your BEST LIFE is wonderful. There is no doubt how focused you are and how committed to yourself is. Mentoring this for others is such a gift.

Having fun biking, walking, rowing, kayaking are all nature based and grounding. The weekend we kayaked with 8 people was so relaxing and life giving. I love to meet new people and learn new things.

Yes and No are two important gifts to ourselves. I am much better using NO now when I really want NO. I say YES less because it fits me and the energy I have. I am inspired my…

Noreen Richard
Jun 22, 2023
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Thank you. I am sure we will make tons of memories and have lots of laughter enjoying the gifts of our relarionship as it builds to new heights. Love and appreciate you. 💖🤗🥰😘


Jun 22, 2023

i hope you enjoy a well deserved break this summer. I am sure so many will miss you. Thinking about all the yes and no responses that are possible. Thank you for yours. I look forward to hearing more about the book!

Noreen Richard
Jun 22, 2023
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Thanks my friend! May you have a wonderful summer as well! 💖

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