As I sit upon a star, way up high looking down at the me who is engaged in play, I am offered a perspective of knowing the freedom that comes hand in hand with my imagination, creativity, and curiosity.
I have been gifted with opportunities to play on the water. Sometimes the elements are very challenging. Yet, they offer me opportunities to be flexible and maneuver the spheres I find myself in.
This flexibility does not happen randomly. I use other opportunities of play that enhance a mindset of being flexible. Each morning I complete wordle. I have played 383 games to date. I have been successful 96% of the time and it has taken me various lengths of guesses to accomplish that goal. Some mornings I must think and be creative as I work out the answer to that day's puzzle. Some days it does not work in my favour, and I lose my daily streak. I am okay with that. I move on and try the next day. I also complete wordscapes daily puzzle.
I am an active person. I am a person who moves deliberately. In 2018 I purchased an apple watch and I played with my activity until I was able to consistently close my rings.
Closing my rings and play are connected in my mindset. I have created a link asking myself how many different activities can I do to close my rings today? How can I find fun in each of them? To date I have closed my rings 1679 times. I have practiced playing with my environment to be successful and I have gained confidence along the way. I do various things to close my rings. I sometimes row or bike or go for a nice walk. I mow my lawn or shovel my snow. I do functional exercises like squats. I move from one room to another as I go about my day. When I am able, I choose to hang laundry on my line. I love hanging laundry on my line. In June 2023 the most active day to date was the 9th. On that day I tripled my move ring, quadrupled my exercise ring and I closed by stand ring with ease. It was a 23,399 step day!
My favorite activity on sunny days that come with low wind is to kayak on the ocean. I also kayak on various lakes. The anticipation is often so great, and all the sights and sounds fill my soul. I play with the clouds and with reflection on the water. I play with the stones I see along the beach. I am looking forward to staining my cottage. Being in the sun, enjoying the sun glistening off the newly stained logs, fuels my sense of accomplishment. I enjoy music and dancing to the rhythms even when it is my own rhythm in my head.
I also like playing with others. Sometimes it is active playing when others join me on a kayak adventure or a walk. Sometimes it is having a great game of Skip-bo, crib or washer toss. Washer toss is a new activity for me to engage in. It is a fun way to hone skills needed for my challenge of juggling. I am still struggling to catch the balls. I am getting lots of practice in squatting!
In one of the early workshops in January 2023 at WW (Weight Watcher's) a coach was doing a word cloud and asked us to pick our word for the year. My focus has been and continues to be play! Play is an important part of what keeps me well. Part of what makes up play is being curious about and making games out of regular day things. Speaking of WW (Weight Watchers) and everyday things, cooking is a fun way that I engage in play. I have been trying new to me recipes and I have been shifting recipes trying new spices and different combinations of spices to add to my creative playful toolbox! Last week I combined cooking and kayaking. I pulled together a picnic and met a friend to enjoy the meal together and then a nice kayak! What a fun evening of friendship and play!
Summer brings the opportunities to play more consistently with others. Engaging in laughter brings energy to my soul. Building on the interpersonal relationships of friends and family through play has strengthened our bonds, allowing us grace and fellowship.
As part of my learning through Inspired Living Medical I was exposed to what is called the STAMP model (see resources).
Play has a prominent place within this model. It is used in ways to teach us skills. It is also used to improve our mental health. It builds connections enhancing relationships with others and most importantly it helps me to live freely through the lens of love. As I play more, I am happier and more confident in the person I am.
As I move into summer and shift my play, I will be taking a break from my creative endeavour of blogging. I will enjoy fellowship with old friends, family and new friends, I am sure. I do indeed look forward to many days on the water, many days laying in my hammock watching the clouds form images in my mind. There will be creative cooking and loads of functional activities both on my own and with others.
What does your summer look like in terms of play?
May you have a safe and glorious summer filled with all the things you need on your journey called life!
Dr. Wilson's book THE 5 THINGS WE NEED TO BE WELL can be purchased at:
Hope your summer is wonderful!
What a great mix of play-filled activities! I hope the weather is good to you for all the kayaking you love to do! I hope you will post a picture or two over the summer!
Another inspiring blog! Excellent place to pause for a break.
Hope you are enjoying your visit at Karens5.