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  • Noreen Richard



One of my SUPERPOWERS is being clear on the one overarching value that shapes how I want to live out my life. The one value that shapes all the other values I live by. This value is influenced by the legacy I want to leave behind when I die. My why!

I came to an understanding of this value by going through an exercise called "My Valued Life Epitaph." It can be found in: The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety by John P. Forsyth, PH D and Georg H. Eifert, PH D (2007)

In 2014 I was part of a journey of healing. I, engaged in an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group (ACT). With the leadership of Dr. Adriana Wilson I was taken on a journey. was a journey for sure. At that point in my life I had lost the people who were closest to me. My tribe of people died and I was lost at sea without an anchor.

The exercise in my therapy group gave me an opportunity to find my own anchor. What I discovered was: I, Noreen E. Richard wanted to (and continues to want to) live freely! I want to do so through the lens of love.

Each piece of my journey from that day forward has been and is shaped by living freely! Shaped by learning to love myself and know I matter. Shaped by the understanding that the more I am able to love myself freely the more I can meet others with love and compassion.

I have many values. However, each year, I focus on a few to help me sculpt the kind of year I might like to pursue.

As part of my WW (weight watchers) journey I picked a word for 2023. It was play. Playfulness is a value I hold close to my heart. Playfulness is one of the ways I am shaping 2023.

My second focus for 2023 is:

I am a collector of data and this year I am going to focus on being curious about the data I am collecting. I am going to bring an attitude of success. Success in showing up for my own life journey! I am going to embrace that there is success in failure and just be curious.

I want to be free to be me. Free to say yes when I want to say yes and to say no when I want to say no. I will bring this to my curious 2023 as well. I will be free to ask question, and to travel the path of agreeing to disagree when necessary. I want to explore and learn when the data I am facing does not add up for me. This all ties into my third value of 2023.


I want to find ways to pursue my year with a growth mindset. I believe I am off to a great start with my WW weight watchers) journey. We are only twenty-six days into 2023 and I have been challenged to grow and be flexible as I pursue many topics of interest.

Living a life from the perspective of values has provided me with an opportunity to build the life I am excited to live. I will leave you with a few resources. There are many if you search the Internet. Hope you have a year of being curious, growing and finding many ways to play. Hope you explore the values you would like to include in your life. May you shape the kind of life that helps you to live the life you wish. I am excited to live freely and through the lens of love.


What are Values? from Your ACT Auntie:

TED Talks:

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5 commenti

28 gen 2023

Love going on this journey with you Noreen! It inspires me to look at things in a different way! ❤️

Mi piace

26 gen 2023

Noreen, you've got me revved up about writing down my values that I know I hold and looking at new ways to honour them. Living freely through the lens of love is something I embrace since knowing about this journey you are on. Thank you for sharing it!

Mi piace
Noreen Richard
26 gen 2023
Risposta a

Thank you my friend. I look forward to hearing how you are looking through a new lens at your own values. 💖

Mi piace

Karen Richard Clark
Karen Richard Clark
26 gen 2023

Wow! Another beautiful writing Noreen. I look forward to checking out the sites you shared. I work with elementary school children where there are opportunities to talk about values and the importance of knowing and understanding their values.

Your blog is so creative and colorful. I look forward to your Thursday morning writings. Sharing your wealth of knowledge to others is a very powerful gift. Thank you for sharing your journey. ❤️❤️

Mi piace
Noreen Richard
26 gen 2023
Risposta a

Thank you. I am having fun, being creative and growing!

Mi piace
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