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  • Noreen Richard


S.M.A.R.T. Goals

One of my POWERS is being able to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals.

One of my SUPERPOWERS is following-through with actions and meeting my goals.

Do I meet my goals 100% of the time? No. Do I make an effort to meet my goals 100% of the time? Absolutely. That is the gift I give myself. I am successful 75% of the time give or take 25% on either side!

A key shift in my life was when I embraced S.M.A.R.T. goals into my life as a tool. A tool that helped me become more present and aware. I use specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound goals to move my life forward in ways that are in line with my values. I make them achievable by making them actionable!

It has not always been that way. I did not have the privilege of understanding and being aware of my values nor the connection of S.M.A.R.T goals as skills in my wonderful tool box.

As I was clearing out my space; shredding old papers I can across a little booklet:

Make A Full Meal

It was the beginning.... an attempt in my adventure of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals.

This past week, since I posted my last blog on values, I underwent a transformation in terms of the lenses I wish to view the world with. I was gifted with a large celebration through my WW (weight watchers) community, and it gave me pause.

I shared with my WW (weight watchers) friends that I met a significant goal in my journey towards living a healthy life. This goal happened to be a scale victory. There was a lot of celebrating. Lots of cheering going on.


The celebrations were confusing at first. After all, from my point of view, I lost -1.3 lbs since the day before and it tipped the scale to the -100 lb weight loss. Through inquiry I was confronted with my having to sit in the disconnect and discomfort of that moment. The moment of owning both the millions of small successes and the reality of the large accomplishment. I had to hold both gently. Hold both with love and self-compassion.

What I came to understand was my fellow tribe members were celebrating my successful scale victory. So appropriate! I was celebrating my journey. We were celebrating from different lenses. My WW peeps were celebrating my outcome. They were celebrating the tip of the ice burg.

I on the other hand was celebrating my process, the bottom of the ice burg. All the stuff hidden in the darkness of the sea. I was gifted with learning how to celebrate the tip of the ice burg and the bottom at the same time. I can now hold both. I am grateful.

On the 4th November 2013 I was sitting at the hospital, my partner was dying and died from complications associated with obesity. As I sat there exhausted and helpless to do anything I made a decision to go on a journey to bring health into my life. I set a goal to lose 100 lbs. No time limit. No sense of direction. I tucked that goal away under the balls of yarn holding other hopes and dreams.

My journey from 4th November 2013 to the 26th of January 2023 was not a short journey. It was 3,370 days. 9 years, 2 months and 22 days. So much has taken place in that span of time. So much went into my ability to change my life around and meet that goal of so long ago.

In the beginning I needed to develop good sleep hygiene. That was my challenge. I needed to do that first before I could embrace the journey of making great food for myself.

I am an expert S.M.A.R.T. goal setter and an expert at actioning my goals into successful outcomes both on and off the scale. Yet, if one were to use the lens of time....then for some folks I would not be an expert at all. I would fall short. I would have taken too long.

For me I took the exact amount of time I needed to meet the goals I set out for myself, I did this in the ways that worked for me. I took slow, deliberate steps. So, I am claiming I am an expert and own the pride that comes with that.

I had other goals in that little book: to power pose; self soothe; exercise; write free association; write a poem; make a nice meal; connect with a human being; write someone an e-mail thanking them for being in my life. It was a beginning of my mindset changes. On the 9th of January 2015 I committed to joining and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group. A group I continue to be connected with to this day. At this point the journey of embracing I matter and living freely through the lens of love has been nurtured for 2,946 days. That is 8 years 0 months and 24 days!

By the time I joined CrossFit and began my journey of exercises I was pretty good at S.M.A.R.T. goals and it helped me tremendously in this journey. I invested in an apple watch (15 November 2018) and took myself through the doors of CrossFit Hubtown. What a gift. Due to Covid the gym closed. However, I kept moving forward on my journey of embracing exercise in my life. It has been 1,540 days or 4 years, 2 months, and 18 days since I put that apple watch on daily. I had a hard time at first to close all my rings on the watch and meet the goals set out in terms of standing, movement and exercise. I was like a dog with a bone and figured it out. Figured out a routine. By the 20th of December 2018 I had begun to master one day at a time. I am happy to say that I have met my exercise goals consecutively for 1,505 days. 4 years, 1 month and 13 days!

I joined WW (weight watchers) in 2020 and have been tracking my progress on my app for 809 days. 2 years, 2 months, and 23 days. I now both track in the app and paper track using a spreadsheet format. I love data.

On the 1st of November 2022 I embraced the food pillar of the WW (weight watchers). journey. I am 93 days in. There were many steps I took to embrace the food pillar and spent a year preparing for this journey. Putting tools in place so I can be successful. At this point in time, I have been able to menu plan and make a grocery list for two weeks in a row which which is line with when I have commitments in town. I am getting good at food prep and have shifted my mindset to enjoying the meal preparation process through play!

We are now on the 2nd of February. I spent the last couple of days sifting and sorting my S.M.A.R.T. goals for February. Asking myself what is important. What shifts will I make to prioritize what I want February to look like. I made some decision around goals I have been meeting for a long time and want to continue to meet. I am making them non-negotiable. Meaning they are shifting from a goal to a habit. I am making meeting Apple watch stand, exercise and Move goals every day non-negotiable. I am also making menu planning non-negotiable. Fasting non-negotiable. Finally, I am making play non-negotiable. I need play to help me to live freely through the lens of love.

I hope you embrace the journey of setting yourself up for success and may you meet your goals 75% give or take 25%!

Happy Groundhog day!

Resources to help you explore S.M.A.R.T goals.

You tube video's

SMART Goals-Quick overview:

SMART Goals Quick Overview with 21 SMART Goals Examples:

Ted Talks:

Setting Goals that Matter:

Why SMART Goals are only half smart?

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8 коментарів

Lucille Keezer
Lucille Keezer
03 лют. 2023 р.

You certainly are an inspiration to all who know you! Keep on being faithful to the journey - you are so much healthier and continue to pursue your goals and achievements. Each step has made you a stronger person. Thank you sharing your journey and insights. Love you.

Noreen Richard
03 лют. 2023 р.
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Thank you. I remember vividly you and Brian coming to visit me at the cottage and I needed to work at turning on my stove and making a meal. It was so hard. I can laught about it now! 💖


03 лют. 2023 р.

Wow, Noreen! This is so personal. It's so inspirational to see how you, from the beginning, were able to set goals with no urgency to reach them. In their time they would come. I love it!!!! I'm so proud of you!!

Noreen Richard
03 лют. 2023 р.
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Thank you so much. I appreciate your love and feedback! 💖


02 лют. 2023 р.

After reading this post I feel encouraged to continue structuring my goals, especially when I see how far you have come! Thank you for sharing this journey!

Noreen Richard
02 лют. 2023 р.
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Thank you my friend! You got this 💖


Karen Richard Clark
Karen Richard Clark
02 лют. 2023 р.

S.M.A.R.T Goals are beneficial for both small and long term shifts. This is so clear and powerful in your writings. Living a journey of success through your self love. knowing your abilities and timelines are so important and you have it down pat! The celebration through your WW group was very interesting and eye opening, I love your metaphor of the ice burg, really helps put your message into perspective. .

S.M.A.R.T Goals are beneficial for both small and long term shifts. This is so clear and powerful in your writings. Living a journey of success through your self love. knowing your abilities and timelines are so important and you have been living you life with such commitment! The celebration…

Noreen Richard
02 лют. 2023 р.
Коментар для:

Thank you sis! Love your support! 💖

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