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  • Noreen Richard

Routines, Habits, and Daily Living

I am a person of routine. I am also a person who embraces flexibility. Transitions to new routines are often challenging in the moment. Yet, life is about many transitions. I am learning to embrace them as I embrace all the seasons of my life. Learning to go with the flow and be present to the moments offered to me each day. Allowing that presence to reflect my values in all I choose to do.

I have worked hard at developing healthy habits to get me through the days, weeks, months of each year. Building on things that will set me up for the greatest success. Fostering habits that are in line with my values.

I am a person who is aware of a future self and part of my process is fast forwarding my tape asking myself the question: "if I do this now, will my future self thank me?" Future as in 10 minutes and/or 10 years.

I am intimately aware of the consequences of not being able to operate within the functional structures of daily living and that awareness shapes how I live day-day and allows me to make choices in ways that honours my future self. These structures help shape my routines, habits, and daily living so my future self can live the kind of life I want to live.

When I talk about functional structures, I am talking about being able continue to do the many and varied movements that I am grateful for in this moment. That I continue to do so well into my aging process. I am grateful that I can get out of bed each day.

I look after my toileting

and bathing needs

I am continent and I can decide on what I want to wear and proceed to get dressed. I am capable of making delicious, nutritious meals.

Here is a typical day in the life of Noreen. I start my day off by texting myself a note of love and gratitude. A reminder of the beauty of the world. The gifts of breath, friendships and love. I reflect on what is important to accomplish on any particular day. I remind myself of the changes to my routines and cheer myself on to meet the goals I have outlined for my day.

I text my peeps to hold each one in my heart, say good morning and wish each one a good day. A day that meets them where they are with hopes it takes them where they need to go. It is also a practice of gratitude for all the people I have in my life and a reminder of my full beautiful life.

After doing my morning hygiene routine I do my mirror work reflecting on the person looking back at me from the mirror. I enjoy music with this practice and allow for the deepening of seeing myself.

I then tend to get my first attempts in at exercise and functional movements. My goal is to complete 6 km of either, rowing, biking, walking or a combination of all three in one day. I typically reach 10 km and then some these days. I used to spend time in a squat routine. Now I work at making it part of the fabric of my day.

I am part of a conqueror challenge to complete Route 66 with some Saturday night WW (Weight Watchers) friends. I am part of a cross Canada walk with other WW (Weight Watchers) friends on Saturday mornings. This motivates me to do what I feel I can contribute. I also connect with a couple of individuals to keep myself accountable.

Summer is well on its way. A friend and I spent time over the weekend building a second garden box after building in supports for another garden box we inherited from my sister. It was a challenge and we nailed it!

There is a lot of different kinds of movements involved in building and I am grateful for each physical movement I can do. I am also grateful for my love of comes in so handy in these situations.

I generally prepare and eat breakfast between 10:00 am and 10:30; lunch between 1:30: and 2 and supper by 5:30 pm so I can begin my fasting from 6:00 pm to 10:00 am. I enjoy the life of fasting. It works for me. I am flexible when I am away from home and when I have company. Otherwise, I keep on track religiously.

I drink lots of water. It is my beverage of choice.

I participate in WW (Weight Watchers) meetings daily to connect with people across Canada. It has been inspiring to partake in these meetings and I have had many opportunities to learn about how I operate in the world.

I go to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm with some flexibility and rise between 6 am and 7 am. My goal is to be in bed for a minimum of 7 hours and a maximum of 9 hours. If I am not able to sleep, I am committed to resting. If I am in a funk I rise and meet the day.

Sometimes I nap. Depends on how much activity I put in on any given day. I love naps.

I partake in conversations with friends and family online, through FaceTime and/or on the telephone. I give support and I receive support.

I practice what Dr. Wilson refers to as an attention diet. Where I intentionally limit my news sources and the number of times I check for updates daily or weekly. This has been especially important around challenging times.

I find time to play each day and I experiment with new things. My blog has been a new challenge since November 2022. I am tested each week to keep myself engaged. I spend 6-8 hours a week writing and researching my blog. Moving forward, I am challenging myself to skip, juggle and dance.

I am a tracker of all kinds of information. I track each day on a spreadsheet. It is part of my routine. Part of the ending of my day. Part of celebrating my successes and learning from the friction in my day.

I have goals.....big picture goals which get broken down into smaller and smaller ones that become manageable. My goals have been in the context of SMART goals (see post February 2, 2023). I believe I am at a point in my journey to take a look at what are some new big picture goals so I can move the goal post once again and stretch myself in ways I have never stretched before.

I create space in my day to pause, breathe and be present to the beauty that surrounds me.

Where do routines, habits and daily living fit in your world?


Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

The 1-minute secret to forming a new habit Christine Carter • TEDxMarin

Try something new for 30 days Matt Cutts • TED2011

Change your Everyday Routine Samraat Jangam • TEDxYouth@Southlake

SMART Goals-Quick overview:

SMART Goals Quick Overview with 21 SMART Goals Examples:

Setting Goals that Matter: Samantha Kris • TEDxLaval

Why SMART goals are only HALF smart | Osamede Arhunmwunde | TEDxUniversityofWinnipeg

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May 26, 2023

Great blog Noreen. Your habits all sound like acts of love for yourself and others. You continue to be an inspiration 💜


Karen Richard Clark
Karen Richard Clark
May 25, 2023

Great blog Noreen. I always admire your self-love in carrying out your wants in order to be as healthy as possible in living your best life. I am someone who does best with a routine. When I say that I mean task schedule being busy. A routine with regular exercising along with heathier overall life style would make very positive outcomes for me. Question to self is, what is blocking me from being successful? This would be a perfect time for some self reflection as I will be finished work for the summer months, a very challenging time for me. Please be clear, I do need the time and enjoy the freedom during summer.

Thank you for sharing how you…

Noreen Richard
May 25, 2023
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I love you too. Thanks for your self reflection! Thank you for all your kind words. 💖


May 25, 2023

I really enjoyed reading your blog! You are so dedicated to your wellness journey! Not only do you talk the talk, you walk the walk! I look forward to reading them! Thanks for being you!❤️

Noreen Richard
May 25, 2023
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Thanks. Appreciate your taking the time to reflect! 💖


May 25, 2023

Noreen I already know which habit I will work on starting today, one I have been struggling with because I had thought I must do it a certain way. Now I feel differently. I will add it to my daily routine in a small way at first thanks to your story and also the piece in your resources by Christine Carter. Awesome. I find the way you pull your day together to be inspiring and heartening. You have made all the pieces of your life possible and this encourages me always. My life looks different but that is the beauty of how you present things. You never communicate that 'you need to do things my way.' You graciously descri…

Noreen Richard
May 25, 2023
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Beautiful that can do you and I can graciously do me! The beauty of the tapestry of relationships and living our lives with love and compassion 💖


May 25, 2023

Another wonderful blog.... what strength? Can't wait for our visit.💕

Noreen Richard
May 25, 2023
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Thank you. I am so looking forward to our time together! 💖

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